Update Old Content, Get A Boost.

You’ve got 30,000 extra views sitting on your blog.

Sah Kilic
3 min readJan 13, 2023
Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

Old articles are Gold Articles™️. If you’ve ever written a blog post, ultimate guide, or time-specific piece of content, all the thought you’ve put into it was before posting; hell, you’ve probably forgotten about it two weeks after hitting publish — and this makes sense.

The promise with online content is that you create something once, and it pays dividends forever. But that means we only unlock half the value.
When we create and forget, we miss out on meteoric opportunities.

Think about it.

  • Authors write revised editions of their books.
  • Teachers update their course material.
  • Top dogs don’t stay at the top by resting on their laurels

Last year, an old article of mine was getting 300–400 hits a month. The article was about the top blogging platforms of 2020, and it was a great success at the time.

Pre-Update: December Views (at Month-End)

All that helpful information was still relevant today, and that’s why it’d still get 300 to 400 views, but so much had changed. Ghost…



Sah Kilic

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: http://sah.substack.com 💪